How to wear a mask in Ireland

Face Masks in Ireland
How to wear a face mask?
The wearing of face masks is a common sight in many Asian countries due to the poor air quality in certain areas. Since the coronavirus crisis began, face masks have become increasingly popular in the rest of the world as people do their best to protect themselves from the virus. That said, face masks must be worn correctly to provide the level of protection that is expected from them. Below we have listed some key pointers on how to wear a mask which can ensure you are using them correctly and benefiting from the protection they provide. The World Health Organisation (WHO) website is also a great resource which has more details on all matters related to COVI19. It is important to note that touching the front of the mask with your hands could risk contaminating your hands. Masks are not a replacement for regular washing of hands which should always be practised. Please see information below regarding the wearing and removal of various protective masks:
How to wear or apply a surgical or disposable mask?
Follow the below 4 steps to correctly apply a surgical or medical mask:
Step 1 – Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and disinfectant for approximately 20 seconds. Please check that the mask is intact and shows no signs of damage.
Step 2 – Use your hands to place the two ‘loops’ over the back of your ears which will bring the mask to your face. Ensure that the coloured side of the mask faces outwards and does not touch your face.
Step 3 – Adjust the fit of the mask to ensure it covers your mouth and nose completely. Only by adjusting the mask properly can you ensure you are not dispersing particles.
Step 4 – Do not touch or adjust the mask further until it is time to remove the mask to ensure minimal contact between your hands and facial area.
Follow the below 4 steps to correctly remove a surgical or medical mask:
Step 1 – Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and disinfectant for approximately 20 seconds. Use both hands to remove the ear loops from behind ears on both sides and remove the mask from your face.
Step 2 – Carefully find and open a bin or recycle station where the mask can be deposited. Take care not to touch your clothes, skin or any other surface or person on the way.
Step 3 – Dispose the mask into the bin (ideally with a closed lid) to ensure there is little chance of any particles remaining airborne.
Step 4 – Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and disinfectant for approximately 20 seconds.

How to wear or apply an N95 respirator
Follow the below 4 steps to correctly apply a N95 mask correctly:
Step 1 – Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and disinfectant for approximately 20 seconds. Please check that the mask is intact and shows no signs of damage.
Step 2 – Hold the mask in your hand and place the mask over your nose and mouth into a comfortable position
Step 3 – Keep the mask in position while attaching the ear loops behind each ear to secure the mask to your face.
Step 4 – Use your fingers to adjust the fit and ensure the nose is in the correct part of the mask which should ensure a tight seal between the face and the mask itself.
Follow the below 4 steps to correctly remove a N95 mask correctly:
Step 1 – Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and disinfectant for approximately 20 seconds. Hold the mask in place while removing the ear loops from behind your ears.
Step 2 – When the mask is no longer anchored by the ear loops it can be removed from the face and cleaned with a wipe or tissue to ensure it enters the bag or container in a clean state.
Step 3 – Place the mask inside the bag or container and seal it shut to ensure that the mask does not get damaged or dirty to protect it for next use.
Step 4 – Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and disinfectant for approximately 20 seconds.